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Included in the price ...
Replacement of faulty or damaged mains plugs
Replacement of damaged or incorrectly rated fuses
Re-wiring of incorrectly wired mains plugs
Minor repairs requiring less than 15 minutes labour
Re-test following repair
Testing of all I.T. and other sensitive electronic equipment without risk of damage.
Full report and test certificate supplied.
Who is Responsible?
The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) requires, every employer to ensure that work equipment is suitable for the purpose for which it is provided, only used in the place and under the provisions for which it is provided. It also requires every employer to ensure work equipment be efficiently maintained and kept fit and suitable for its intended purpose. It must not be allowed to deteriorate in function or performance to such a leval that it puts people at risk. This means that regular, routine and planned maintenance regimes must be considered if hazardous problems can arise.
Regulation 3 of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 recognises a responsibility that employers and many employees have for electrical systems.
"It shall be the duty of every employer and self employed person to comply with the provisions of the Regulations in so far as they relate to matters which are within his control.
It shall be the duty of every employee while at work:
(a) to co-operate with his employer so far as is necessary to enable and duty placed on that employer by the provision of the Regulations to be complied with: and
(b) to comply with the provision of these regulations in so far as they relate to matters which are within his control."